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Shaun Clarkson 


Over 35 years of experience in Technology and software development. Shaun has what it takes to find the solution to the technical issues of almost any project.  You can't go wrong with him at the helm of your data, analytics and automation.  Troubleshooting, learning new skills and reading the numbers allow for a lethal combination when executing a well-thought-out online strategy. 

Alanthea Clarkson 

The Design and Message 

With over ten years of experience building brands, websites, and social media and aiding in creating several businesses. Alantheas' unique skill set of web design, social media,  graphic work and video creation is hard to find. Making her an asset to any online marketing strategy.  


The Solution and Strategy 

When it comes to building an online strategy you need to speak the same language and often developers and design don't mix. That is what makes this combination so powerful. Being Family that communication barrier is broken. Allowing your marketing efforts, analytics and technology strategy to line up perfectly. No one has ever seen what happens when Technology strategies become a family affair. 


The Simplest Solutions 

Are Often The Best Solutions 

The Perfect Combination 

A simple partnership between two entrepreneurs under the same roof. The father daughter team of combine talents and expertise in a unique but simple solution for any business.  When generation join forces to create something simple and effective all parties win. 

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